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Event Policy

Please be aware that when you register for an event you accept the following terms and conditions




I acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate in this event organised by Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji. I am aware that this is a spiritual event intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for medical treatment, advice, or diagnosis.


I am also aware that these activities may include silent, intensive meditation sessions. Participants may experience intense and unusual psychological, spiritual, emotional, and/or physical states of mind and body as a result of the meditation and associated event activities. I willingly participate in these activities, fully aware of the potential for unexpected events, and hereby agree to accept any and all possible risks of harm.


I take complete ownership of my physical, emotional and mental wellbeing during the event and I am personally accountable for any outcome of this event.

I understand that :

  • There are no guarantees of any particular types of outcomes or experiences 

  • Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji does not guarantee that you will attain a specific result or benefit.

  • The results differ for each individual because the impact depends on their background, dedication, desire, motivation, and a variety of other factors.

  • The event should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. 

  • If I am currently receiving treatment from a physician or other healthcare practitioner for any condition or disease, it is my responsibility to consult with that provider before attending an event with Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji and also to inform the event organisers about this prior to the start of the event.

  • If I require support or assistance of any kind, I am aware that it is my responsibility to approach one of the event organisers for help.



I agree not to use or engage in any form of obscene, indecent, offensive language or behaviour, including communication that is defamatory, libellous, abusive, harassing, hateful, illegal, or otherwise offensive, intentionally or unintentionally, during an event or at any time towards Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath ji, the representatives and the event organisers.




Photo and Video Consent

I give my consent for the use of any photography or videography for promotional purposes only by Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji. However, if I do not wish to be photographed or recorded, it is my responsibility to inform one of the event organisers prior to the event.

​​(Please note audio or video recordings are not permitted by participants)​

I hereby give my consent to the above disclaimer. I accept complete ownership and release all responsibility from Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji, the representatives and the event organisers.





Non-Residential Event Cancellation: Participant choice


  • If canceling up to 21 days prior to an event, there are options to either;  

    1. transfer to another event, or monies less 5% administration fee, or $35 whichever is the greater.

         2. held in credit for up to 12 months.  Only 50% of any future event standard fee can be paid for                with money held, at any one time.

         3. If a transfer is not chosen then 50% of the event fee paid is refunded, less 5% administration                     fee or $35 whichever is greater.

  • If canceling within 4 to 21 days prior to an event there is no refund, however, there are options to either; 


  1. transfer to another event, 

  2. or monies can be held in credit for up to 12 months. Only 50% of any future event standard fee can be paid for with money held, at any one time.

  • There are no refunds or credits if canceling within 3 days prior, or failure to attend part or complete the duration of the event.

  • Any notification of cancellation must be made to Sri Shiv Shakti Charitable Trust in writing to email:   Cancellation requests are applicable from the date of email notification.


Residential Retreat/Event Cancellation: Participant choice


If canceling before 21 days of an event


  • deposits are non-refundable or transferable

  • Options for other monies paid can be;  

    1. transferred to another event

    2. can be held in credit for up to 12 months. Only 50% of any future event standard fee can be paid for with money held, at any one time.

    3. or if a transfer is not chosen then 50% is refunded, less 5% administration fee or $35 whichever is greater.


If canceling anytime within the 21 days


  • deposits are non-refundable

  • There is no refund on remaining monies paid 

    1. an option is offered to hold remaining monies in credit for up to 12 months. Only 50% of any future event standard fee can be paid for with money held, at any one time.



  • There are no refunds or credits for failure to attend part or complete the duration of the event.

  • Any notification of cancellation must be made to Sri Shiv Shakti Foundation Ltd in writing to email:   Cancellation requests are applicable from the date of email notification.


Online Event Policy


Technical Issues - Sri Shiv Shakti Foundation


Any technical issues on the part of the Sri Shiv Shakti Foundation;


1    If the whole event transmission did not occur, then the following options will be available:

  • To transfer to another event;

    • Either, current or future online

    • Or in person or pre-recorded 

    •  No refund will be applicable.


2.     Part of the event transmission did not occur due to unforeseen circumstances;

  • We will endeavour to provide any missed information in any capacity that we are able.

  • Partial refunds will not be available


Technical Issues - Participant


1.   If a participant chooses not to attend or is unable to attend any/or part of a session(s) during the event, please be aware, replay recordings will not be available.


2. If a participant’s connection has technical issues, the Sri Shiv Shakti Foundation does not hold any responsibility.



No recordings of any type are permitted 



  1. Any purchase or provided recording is for your personal use only. 

  2. It is not to be shared, or disseminated in whole or part with anyone else for personal or commercial purposes.


Covid-19 Related Cancellation and Refund Policy

  • If there is a local Government change in the Covid traffic light system that does not allow you to participate or attend the following options are available;

  1. You may choose to transfer to another current event - online or live

  2. Or, hold the event payment monies paid in credit with the Sri Shiv Shakti Foundation for up to 12 months, for use at any future event(s) in part or whole. Only 50% of any future event standard fee can be paid for with money held, at any one time.

  3. Monies in credit may also be used for merchandise purchases within the 12-month period.


Cancellation/Postponement by the Organisers for any event

The Sri Shiv Shakti Foundation Ltd reserves the right to cancel, postpone or change the advertised event, within 14 days of the date with notification via email or messaging; 

  1. Due to unforeseen circumstances.  

  2. Cancellation if due to ‘Force Majeure’ or Government travel advice.

  3. In the case of a COVID-19-related pandemic situation

    1. Refer to the Covid-19 policy above

  4. In the case of a change to the advertised event the following options are available;

    1. Registrants will have 5 days to respond with their nominated choice; 

      1. Either to attend the rescheduled event, 

      2. Or to have monies paid held in credit for up to 12 months. Only 50% of any future event fee can be paid for with money held, at any one time.

      3. Or a refund less the booking fee

    2. if no response is received after 5 days, the monies will be forfeited.


Please Note: 

  • The Sri Shiv Shakti Foundation Ltd policies act according to New Zealand Government Policies.

  • The Sri Shiv Shakti Foundation Ltd is not responsible for any travel or accommodation costs incurred by the participant for any reason of cancellation by either party. 

  • The Sri Shiv Shakti Foundation Ltd reserves all rights of admission.

These policies may be subject to change at any time

All right reserved Yogi Aikam Aikoham Nath Ji

Revised V9 10-8-23

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